Abstract for the ICC 2007 in Moscow






M Sc Fredrik Davidsson, T-Kartor Sweden AB, Sweden, fd@t-kartor.se

Dr Dan Sherrill, T-Kartor Sweden AB, Sweden; ds@t-kartor.se

Ole Berg, T-Kartor Sweden AB, Sweden; olb@t-kartor.se






The potential use of geographic information in the holdings of today’s governmental Organisations extends much further than presenting generalised geographic information on different kinds of maps. The challenge is to continue to supply high quality information with an increased update rate, simultaneously with making new uses of existing information and establishing requirements for the acquisition and gathering of new data and at the same time reduce manpower and cost!.


The paper examines the past and present work processes of hydrographic offices working towards a well defined user community and identifies the challenges facing hydrographic offices serving an increasingly more diverse user group and increasing requirements for access to the vast, unpublished data holdings.


Evolving from Product Centric to Data Base Centric Work Processes is the way forward for an organisation that is seeking solutions to increase access to data holdings at the same time coping with an increasing amount of incoming source information and increased demands for higher update rates.


The paper highlights the need for organisational and work process change from a holistic perspective encompassing technology, business processes and cooperation across organisational boundaries. Analogies are drawn to work practices used in high risk operations to ensure safe operation within narrow time frames.


New tools for data analysis might yield new information from already existing data and in turn provide input into the planning of new data acquisition areas. A key requirement here is accessibility to information/data not to mention knowledge of the existence of the data.


The way forward to cope without a vast increase in the use of human resources is to change the internal processes in the organisation from the present product centric organisation to effective data base centric work processes and methods.


The paper uses a case study to illustrate salient points and provide real life examples of key findings.


This paper will include a presentation of a scenario where a map making  organisation move from being Product Centric to become Data Base Centric to get more effective and to be able to handle new customer requirements.